Lease Violation Laws

StateEviction State law
Alabama14 Days Notice Ala. Code § 35-9A-421
Alaska10-Day Notice for violations materially affecting health and safety, 3 Days Notice for failing to pay utilities, and 2 Days to vacate
Arizona5-Days Notice for breach of the lease that materially affects health and safety.
10-Days for other lease agreement violations
Ariz. Rev. Stat. 33-1368
Arkansas5-Days Notice for breach of the lease that materially affects health and safety.
10-Days for other lease agreement violations
Ariz. Rev. Stat. 33-1368
California3-Day Notice
Colorado3-Day Notice
Connecticut15-Day Notice
Delaware7-Day Notice
Florida7-Day Notice
GeorgiaNo statute; Landlord can terminate with Unconditional Quit Notice
Hawaii10-Day Notice; Landlord must wait another 20 days before beginning evictionTermination for Nuisances – 24 Hour Notice, if not cured landlord must wait 5 days before filing for eviction §666-3
Idaho3-Day Notice Idaho Code 6-303
Illinois10-Day Notice
IndianaNo statute
Unconditional Quit Notice
Iowa7-Day Notice
Kansas14-Day Notice to cure plus additional 16 to vacate
Kentucky15-Day Notice
ky. rev. stat. ann. § 383.660(1)
Louisiana5-Day Notice
LA Code Civ Pro 4701
Maine7-Day Notice
§6002. Tenancy at will; buildings on land of another
An eviction notice must include language regarding the rights of the tenants to contest the eviction. If such language is not included, any default judgment entered against the tenant may be canceled.
Maryland30-Day Notice;
If the violation poses clear and imminent danger then 14 Days (no cure).
Maryland Real Property Section 8-402.1
MassachusettsNo statute
Michigan7-Day Notice;
(d) When the person in possession willfully or negligently causes a serious and continuing health hazard to exist on the premises, or causes extensive and continuing physical injury to the premises.
Mich. Comp. Laws 600-5714
MinnesotaLandlord can file immediately
Mississipi30-Day Notice
§ 89-8-13 – Right to terminate tenancy for breach; notice of breach; return of prepaid rent and security
MissouriNo statute
Landlord can terminate with an unconditional quit notice
Montana14-Day Notice;
3-Day Notice (For unauthorized pets or people)
Mont.Code Ann. 70-24-422
Nebraska14-Day Notice to cure
Plus 16 Days to vacate
76-1431 Noncompliance; failure to pay rent; effect; violent criminal activity upon premises; landlord; powers.
Nevada5-Day Notice;
NRS 40.2516          Unlawful detainer: Possession after failure to perform conditions of lease; saving lease from forfeiture; recovery of possession following unlawful detainer.
New Hampshire30-Day Notice;
N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 540:3
New Jersey1. Notice to cease. (Notice describing the lease violation and warning to stop or face eviction))
2. Notice to quit must be served on the tenant at least one calendar month before filing the eviction suit.
The Only Legal Grounds for Eviction (N.J.S.A. 2A:18-61.1)
New Mexico7-Day Notice;
47-8-33. Breach of agreement by resident and relief by owner.
New York10-Day Notice to Cure
North CarolinaNo specified notice.
North Dakota3-Day Notice
47-32-02 Appearance ‑ Notice of intention to evict ‑ When required ‑ When and how served
Ohio3-Day Notice
Oklahoma15-Day Notice ( 10 Days to Cure, plus 5 Days to Terminate)
§ 132. Tenant’s Failure to Comply with Rental Agreement or Perform Duties – Rights and Duties of Landlord.
Oregon30-Day Notice to Cure
90.392 Termination of tenancy for cause; tenant right to cure violation
90.405 Effect of tenant keeping unpermitted pet
PennsylvaniaLandlord can terminate with Unconditional Quit notice
Rhode Island20 Days
§ 34-18-36. Eviction for noncompliance with rental agreement.
South Carolina14-Days
SECTION 27-40-710. Noncompliance with rental agreement; failure to pay rent; removal of evicted tenant’s personal property.
South Dakota3-Day Notice
Some violations don’t require a notice
21-16-1. Grounds for maintenance of action.
21-16-2. Notice to quit required before commencement of proceedings–Service and return.
Tennessee30-Day Notice
Tenn. Code Ann. §66-7-109 and Tenn. Code Ann. §66-28-505.
Texas3-Day Notice or as Written in the Lease
78B-6-802. Unlawful detainer by tenant for a term less than life.
 § 4467. Termination of tenancy; notice
Virginia30-Day Notice to Quit
§ 55.1-1245
(Effective until March 1, 2021) Noncompliance with rental agreement; monetary penalty
§ 55.1-1245
(Effective March 1, 2021, until July 1, 2021) Noncompliance with rental agreement; monetary penalty
§ 55.1-1245
(Effective July 1, 2021, until the later of July 1, 2028, or seven years after the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency expires) Noncompliance with rental agreement; monetary penalty
§ 55.1-1245
(Effective the later of July 1, 2028, or 7 years after the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency expires) Noncompliance with rental agreement; monetary penalty
 RCW 59.12.030
Unlawful detainer defined.
West VirginiaLandlord can file for eviction without serving a notice
§55-3A-1. Petition for summary relief for wrongful occupation of residential rental property.
704.17 Notice terminating tenancies for failure to pay rent or other breach by tenant.
§ 1-21-1202. Duties of owners and renters; generally.
§ 1-21-1203. Owner’s duties; notice by renter of noncompliance; duty to correct; exceptions; termination of rental agreement; liability limited.
Washington D.C.